Airport to the Atlantica hotel:
There are several options for transportation to the Atlantica hotel from the airport. Taxis can transport you to the hotel for $53. Another option is to travel on the airporter shuttle van for $19.50 per person (note that you will need to request dropoff or pickup from the Atlantica Hotel).

Posters and Lectures:
All of the lectures will take place at the Soctiabank Auditorium in the McCain Building, while posters are to be set up in the McInnes Room of the Student Union Building (see campus map).

To arrive at the Dalhousie campus from the Atlantica Hotel, simply walk down Robie Street and turn right onto University Avenue (map).

The banquet will take place at the historic Halifax Citadel, which is only a short walk away.

© David Langelaan 2010